Our Services

Musculoskeletal Acupuncture/Dry Needling

At Bayside Health Professionals we offer musculoskeletal acupuncture or dry needling therapies for muscular and joint pain.

Chiropractic icon

All chiropractors, Dr’s Ben Lawrance, Jacqui Gaibor and Harry Fang, are trained in dry needling technique.

Dry needling is a very specific form of acupuncture that focuses on needling myofascial trigger points to assist in pain relief and the release of muscular spasms and tightness. 

Dry needling in conjunction with chiropractic can facilitate safe, gentle and effective pain relief and assist in recovery.

Successfully treated conditions include: tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, tension headaches, buttock pain, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, low back pain, hamstring strains, calf tightness, knee problems, achilles tendinitis, bursitis and many other myofascial conditions.

When indicated, Ben, Harry and Jacqui will utilise dry needling as part of their chiropractic treatment for your specific health complaint. We use the finest, sterile single use needles at this clinic. Please call the clinic on 3245 4177 for further information about our dry needling services.


Dry needling is useful as an adjunct therapy to maximise pain relief, enhance recovery from acute and chronic injuries and may assist in the restoration of nerve function.

All our chiropractors are trained in anatomical acupuncture (dry needling)

Dr Ben Lawrance


MChir, BSc

Dr Jacqui Gaibor


MChir, GradDipNutr, BMedSc, DipNutr, DipBotMed

Dr Harry Fang


MChir, BSc


Natural Medicine Dispensary


Exercise Prescription